Summer Kickoff BBQ!

It’s Time to BBQ!



Who? You – the PDXstrength Badass!

When? 6/10 Friday 6:30 pm – right after 5:30 pm Group Strength and Conditioning

Where? PDXstrength

What to bring? Side Dish & Beverage

We will provide beer & sausages, Bocce Ball and Piñata! Possible Ping Pong tournament to follow up the BBQ!

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Our next Nutrition talk topic: Sugar!



Ready for our next Digestion talk?? Not only is nutrition key for performance and aesthetics, but most importantly for your overall health and disease prevention. We want as many members as possible exposed to the hard work that Ken has put into to these nutrition talks…. Ken will graduate with a degree in dietetics in June and has a wealth of knowledge to share with the community. The second talk will cover blood sugar regulation.

This workshop will give you a good idea of what to eat, and why you should avoid sugar for more than just losing weight. Avoiding sugar will help every single organ and tissue in the body, including the outwardly visible ones like skin, hair, teeth, nails, etc.

There is a ton if valuable information in this talk, and Ken will do his best to squeeze it in the 45 minute time frame! Find out how to look and avoid hidden sugars, how much sugar we should be consuming and simple ways for keeping sugar out of your diet.

Cost is free with a suggested drop in fee of $15 or whatever you can afford. Come to bootcamp at 8:30 am, and stay for the talk. Or come to the talk, and then attend our Group Strength and Conditioning class after. The talk will be  May 21st at 9:30 am. 

There will be time for questions and open discussion at the end of each talk. Sign up here:

Sharing is Caring!

Let’s talk Nutrition

A lot of you guys have been asking lots of questions about Nutrition lately! I think it’s so awesome how concerned and hungry you are to learn more about your health and personal nutrition. I hope you can take advantage of two free nutrition talks coming soon. They will be held between Saturday morning bootcamp and Group Strength and Conditioning, so you can workout and stay for the talk, or come to the talk and and then workout!

Not only is nutrition key for performance and aesthetics, but most importantly for your overall health and disease prevention. We want as many members as possible exposed to the hard work that Ken has put into to these nutrition talks…. Ken will graduate as a Nutritional Therapist in June and has a wealth of knowledge to share with the community. The first talk will cover the foundation of nutrition, digestion. You can eat all the healthy food in the world, but if you are not digesting properly, your health will suffer.

Basically, if digestion isn’t working, nothing else is working. You can’t lose weight, you can’t sleep well, you can’t get through the day without coffee, alcohol, tobacco, or sugar, etc. It’s the root of what’s making getting through the day so tough. Healing the gut will help you lose weight, have more energy, and feel better.

Digestion is important because without it we cannot receive nourishment for overall well-being.Every cell in every tissue in our bodies relies on proper digestion to get the nutrients they need. Without good digestion, we cannot have optimal health. This talk covers all of the ins and outs of digestion, including some easy ways you can help optimize your own digestion to ensure you are getting the most out of the food you eat.

The first talk will be Saturday, April 23rd at 9:30 am! Anyone from the community is welcome! You don’t have to be a member to participate.

Cost is free with a suggested drop in fee of $15 or whatever you can afford.

There will be time for questions and open discussion at the end of each talk.


Reserve your spot here:



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Organic? Should I Panic?

I always bring this list when I go to the grocery store. Paying for organic produce can add up.  Here’s a list to help decide which produce you should buy organic, and which produce you can safely buy conventional.

The following “Dirty Dozen Plus” had the highest pesticide load, making them the most important to buy organic versions – or to grow them organically yourself:

  • Apples
  • Peaches
  • Nectarines
  • Strawberries
  • Grapes
  • Celery
  • Spinach
  • Sweet Bell Peppers
  • Cucumbers
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Snap Peas (Imported)
  • Potatoes
  • Hot Peppers
  • Kale
  • Collard Greens

Of the fruit and vegetable categories tested, the following “Clean 15” foods had the lowest pesticide load, and consequently are the safest conventionally grown crops to consume from the standpoint of pesticide contamination:

  • Avocados
  • Sweet corn
  • Pineapples
  • Cabbage
  • Sweet peas (frozen)
  • Onions
  • Asparagus
  • Mangoes
  • Papayas
  • Kiwi
  • Eggplant
  • Grapefruit
  • Cantaloupe (domestic)
  • Cauliflower
  • Sweet potatoes




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What is your Why?

What’s your Why?
My why behind fitness and PDXstrength? I have so many, here’s just a few I feel like sharing!
Why do I strength train? Why do I do yoga or bust my ass conditioning? I want to feel capable and independent. I want to be able to carry my own bags, move a heavy box, pull my own body over a chin up bar, sprint up the stairs. I don’t want to feel trapped inside my own body, constrained by pain, sickness, weakness or immobility.
I want to defy gravity, age and barriers. At almost 40 I am fitter than when I was 21. Now I’m not a crossfit superstar or world class athlete by any means, but I’m proud that I can say I have more power and strength, I can squat more weight, jump higher and do muscle ups, and still run a respectable 5k time. I fit into the same pants I wore in college thanks to keeping my muscle mass and strength training. I beat men 20 years younger than myself in metcons. I don’t let my age or sex keep me from setting goals that most would deem unrealistic for a middle aged female. Getting older scares the shit out of me, I know someday I won’t be able to do what I can do right now, I’ll get slower and weaker… but what frightens me even more is if I let my age get the best of me, put burden on others to take care of me, or wasn’t able to stay active because I let my muscle atrophy and my joints stiffen. I’m not gonna go out that easy!
My why behind PDXstrength is to help people truly believe in themselves. I want to share my passion and enthusiasm with everyone about fitness! Everyone is capable of so much more than they think they are! There is no quick fix, or rush, it’s all about the journey. Consistency is really all it takes. It isn’t really motivation, but making fitness a habit… it’s amazing when you look back to 6 months ago, a year, 2 years and see how far our athletes have come. When an athlete trusts the process, that’s when the magic happens. They become hooked, their passion grows, they understand the ups and downs of training, and they can’t help but share their enthusiasm with their friends and family.
My why behind PDXstrength isn’t about being the biggest gym. It isn’t about having the fanciest equipment, tanning beds or selling muscle milk. My why is to offer smart and intelligent programming, that is thought out, with the best interest of our athletes in mind. Programming that has a longterm vision to get our athletes stronger, mobile, faster and improve their work capacity. My why is to challenge our athletes to use their fitness outside of the gym, in races, on the mountain, on the playground with their kids. My why is to give our athletes the confidence to try new activities and sports. To enrich their lives by giving them the freedom…. They can try learning how to surf, take a boxing class, do a mud run, enter a triathlon because they are prepared. Giving our athletes options and choices because they are strong, capable and fit is in my opinion priceless.
My why behind PDXstrength is to build a supportive and positive community. Our gym is an accepting and safe place. It’s not a meat market, it’s not competitive, it’s not judgmental. Hate, bad attitudes, and egos just don’t survive in our culture.
My why behind PDXstrength is fostering an environment where form and technique are put on a pedestal. Our athletes move correctly and safely and as a gym, our coaches and athletes have the responsibility to help rather than walk away from someone that isn’t performing a movement correctly. By taking pride in moving well, we understand that we represent PDXstrength outside of the gym. In a competition or when visiting other gyms, our athletes will make us proud when squatting, running, swinging a kettle bell …. because moving well matters!
My why behind PDXstrength is to empower our coaches and provide a caring community of coaches that truly care about our athletes. By encouraging and supporting  our coaches to continue their education, pursue their athletic passions and endeavors, and celebrate their strengths, our coaches will feel appreciated. This positivity will  spill over into our classes and programs. When our coaches are supported, respected and happy…. it creates an amazing atmosphere where athletes and coaches can thrive as a family.
More whys to come… what is your why??11010545_950780898312616_2737131460697066894_n
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