Thanksgiving Holiday Hours

Don’t let your fitness slip this Thanksgiving holiday! We got your covered! Bring your friends and family that are visiting for some fun!

Thanksgiving Day 8:30 am Bootcamp, 9:30 am GS&C
Black Friday 9:30 am GS&C, noon GS&C
Saturday 11/25 8:30 am Bootcamp, 10 am GS&C
Sunday 11/26 8:30 am Yoga, 5:00 pm Bootcamp

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November Updates

Greetings  Strength Tribe!

Thanks to everyone that came out to our Puerto Rico Fundraiser. We raised over $400 dollars and had a blast working out!  Also big thanks to volunteers and participants of the Night of the Living Deadlift party. The night was a success! Tim and Jackie put on an excellent event and we can’t wait for their next power lifting party.
We are looking forward to having a great holiday season with our strength tribe! Lets keep smashing goals, setting new PRs and we will see you in class!

Schedule Changes

*** We have added a new bootcamp class Friday afternoons at 4:30 pm. We also will be offering Sunday evening pop up bootcamps at 5 pm in November. We have two new Group Strength and Conditioning classes on Tuesday and Thursdays at noon. Kettle bell Club is now on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm***

Track Days!
Saturday November 11th and 18th will be track days. Meet us on the Roosevelt High School Track at 10 am for some awesome track workouts.

Self Defense Seminar
  • Join us on Sunday November 19, for a 2-hour personal protection class that focuses on hands-on techniques for breaking free from an attacker. This class is not meant to make you an expert at self-defense, but will introduce students to a variety of techniques for physically addressing a threat. The focus in this class is escape and survival, and the class will be physical. Dress for physical activity and leave your jewelry (necklaces, earrings, etc) at home. Do you have general questions about keeping you or your family safe? Email Carole at any time and/or we can discuss these topics during class. This is a class for all skill levels and ages. The class taught by career police officer Carole Boswell.  ( This class will be more hands on than our last personal protection class and is for both men and women)

    Class is $35 for two hours and $10 from each sign up will be donated to charity. Proceeds are going to Life Straw, providing safe drinking water to Puerto Rico hurricane survivors. Class will be held Sunday, November 19 at 2 pm.  Sign up here: Self Defense 

PDXstrength Toy Drive and 5th Annual Santa Hike
Join us Friday December 8th at 6:30 pm ( right after class at 5:30 pm) for our 5th Annual Santa Hike. Bring an unwrapped toy and dress up in your crazy holiday attire! We will take downtown St. Johns by storm as we do our annual bar crawl!  21 and over please!

  • Competitor Program
    We are proud to offer competitor programming for athletes that are interested in maximizing their fitness at PDXstrength. If you want more than just an hour long class, if you are interested in fitness competitions, or want guidance to improve skills and strength necessary to be pushed to your full potential, our competitive program is your answer. Our PDXstrength athletes will have the option to upgrade their membership and have exclusive access to our thoughtfully designed  Competitor Program. The cost  is $25 per month. A typical day example of the Competitor Program will include our standard strength and conditioning  “workout of the day” to ensure we keep our PDxstrength community training together, however it will also have additional strength/skill, conditioning and/or accessory work to be completed by you on the side three days a week. It’s important that all of our athletes at PDXstrength have the option for growth, and we want to give you the tools to take your fitness to the next level. Please be mindful of the normal classes going on and work around them without being a big distraction to the athletes in the class.
    You can jump into competitor training at anytime. Cost is only $25 per month.  To sign up for our competitive programming please click this link,  Competitive Programming


  • If you want to get started at PDXstrength our  PDX101 foundation series are the way to go!   Don’t miss your chance to enroll before these series  fill up in January!  PDX101 is our foundation series that will meet you at your current fitness level and get you prepared for our Group Strength and Conditioning classes. Cost is $220 for 16 classes, plus free access to open gym, kettle bell, yoga, run club,  and bootcamp classes for the duration of 101! Get started with this link:  PDX101. Don’t wish a year from now, you started today!


  •  Our 8:30 am Sunday morning Yoga Class is designed to help our athletes improve their flexibility, mobility, and breath work. Yoga has amazing benefits, and will truly compliment the work we do at PDXstrength! Yoga classes are included with PDXstrength membership and nonmembers can pay a drop in rate to participate.   You can sign up for Yoga here: Yoga

  • Olympic Weightlifting
  • Our next Weightlifting series will be offered in January. Improve your power, speed, strength, and flexibility with Olympic-style weightlifting! This 6 week course will cover the Olympic lifts, the snatch and the clean & jerk, as well as assistance exercises for Olympic Weightlifting. Cost is $70 for 6 classes. Sign up for weightlifting here: Olympic Weightlifting 
    Thanksgiving Holiday class schedule:
    We will be offering two classes on Thanksgiving. An 8:30 am Bootcamp for al levels and 9:30 am Group Strength and Conditioning. Come get your workout on before the big Turkey Dinner.
    Instead of shopping on Black Friday, join us for  Group Strength and Conditioning at 9:30 am and noon.

    Member of the month
  • Our November member of the month is Mark McConnell. You can usually find Mark in our 6:30 pm classes. He’s a positive force in class, super friendly and is truly dedicated to moving well and  trusting the process! We are super stoked to have Mark a part of the PDXstrength tribe. Give Mark a big high five next time you see him in class!
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Puerto Rico Fundraiser


Big thanks to our PDXstrength Family for getting together Sunday morning for our Puerto Rico Fundraiser!  It’s such an amazing opportunity to be able to come together and help others in need! We raised $400 for victims of hurricane Maria! Our small but might gym can make an impact and we are looking forward to our next charity event!


xoxo Jossy and the PDXstrength crew!


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Nutrition Tips

Here is a handout that we pass out to our new 101 members of PDXstrength, but we thought it would be useful if we shared it to all of our members. Nutrition is a key component to reaching your health and fitness goals. We hope these tips are useful and help you along your fitness journey.

Adequately fueling your body is so important! This is a journey of curiosity. You will not get it perfect on the first try. For a more detailed and holistic approach, please check out The 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating.

Here are some ideas to consider experimenting with:

o Drinking half your body weight in ounces. (If you weigh 200 lbs., drink 100 ounces of water). Try having a water bottle with you all the time.

o Trying to include protein, carbs, and fat with most meals to help you feel energetic and satisfied.

o Eating breakfast most days.

o Working towards limiting alcohol to 2 drinks a week or less.

o Experimenting with increasing the amount of fresh foods you eat (fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts/seeds, etc).

o Paying attention (without judgment) to how you feel on days when sugar intake is higher

o No more “fat free” products or products you think you should eat because they are low calorie, processed alternatives.

o Trying to increase the amount of organic and local foods you eat. Maybe that means checking out a farmer’s market.



Pre-workout meals/snacks: this depends on the individual and how soon you can eat prior to your workout.

Find what works for you and stick with it.

It is helpful to consume some carbohydrate and protein before and after workouts.

Fats are a huge part of a balanced diet. They are satisfying and make foods (including veggies) taste good. Fats slow down the transit of the carbohydrates and protein through the stomach. In addition, many vitamins are fat-soluble and require some fat to be absorbed by the body!

Carbs and protein are ideal sources of fuel for long duration, high intensity workouts because the body processes these nutrients at a faster rate than that of fats. Try saving the fats for other opportunities throughout the day.

Pre workout Post workout snacks: try and consume at least an hour or less after the workout




Lean turkey



RX bar (or other protein bar)

Almond butter on toast



Fruit + egg/whey powder

(We sell SFH protein- it’s awesome!)

Banana + almond butter

Lean deli meat + bread

Jerky + dried fruit

Eggs+ sweet potato (you can microwave!)

Stir fry with noodles

Smoked salmon + squash

Mashed yam + chicken breast

Apple + peanut butter

Granola + Greek yogurt


Our thoughts can feel so powerful at times, especially in regards to body image. What if we told you it doesn’t matter whether a thought is true, but rather far more important is whether it’s helpful?

Suppose I’m overweight and my mind says, “Better get to the gym and earn your weekend because you’ve been l-a-z-y!” This thought is not helpful; it does nothing but blame, disparage, and demoralize. It doesn’t inspire me to eat sensibly or exercise more in a fun, enjoyable setting. Rather, this thought makes me feel like a total LOSER!

You can waste a lot of time trying to decide whether your thoughts are true. This is dumb. Don’t do it. The more useful approach is to ask, “Is this thought helpful? Does it help me take action to create the life I want”? If it’s helpful, pay attention to it. If it’s not, acknowledge the thought and detach from it.

But what if that negative thought seems helpful and motivating? We agree, these thoughts appear useful in the short term. But often, harsh and cruel words eventually stop providing motivation and become obnoxious and hurtful.

Experiment with self-compassion. For example, I might say to myself, “Wow. I recognize that getting in shape is so tough. Though I appreciate the story that my mind is telling me, I am, in fact, not a lazy person and I care tremendously about my well-being.” For more on self-compassion, check out Kristin Neff’s TEDx talk.

Feel free to not pay attention to magazines, Facebook, Instagram, or other types of posts that make the negative thoughts louder. Is comparing yourself to a 0.01% body fat Insta-Celeb helpful? Hell no!!!


Hope you enjoyed this and feel free to contact us with nutrition questions and we will do our best to guide you in the right direction.

Written by Christie Choma

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Competitor Program


We are proud to offer competitor programming for athletes that are interested in maximizing their fitness at PDXstrength. If you want more than just an hour long class, if you are interested in fitness competitions, or want guidance to improve skills and strength necessary to be pushed to your full potential, our competitive program is your answer. Our PDXstrength athletes will have the option to upgrade their membership and have exclusive access to our thoughtfully designed Competitor Program. The cost is $25 per month. A typical day example of the Competitor Program will include our standard strength and conditioning “workout of the day” to ensure we keep our PDxstrength community training together, however it will also have additional strength/skill, conditioning and/or accessory work to be completed by you on the side three days a week. It’s important that all of our athletes at PDXstrength have the option for growth, and we want to give you the tools to take your fitness to the next level. Please be mindful of the normal classes going on and work around them without being a big distraction to the athletes in the class.

Our first day of competitor programming will start on October 9th. To sign up for our competitive programming please click here


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