Systems Check One Warmup Flow

Hey Strength Tribe!


We wanted to share one of our warmup flows that we call Systems Check One. We usually do this flow before Olympic Weightlifting workouts, but you can use it anytime you’d like to get your body moving and feeling great! Thanks for checking it out!

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January Locker Room Low Down

Wow 2017 has been an amazing year at PDXstrength. It’s truly been an honor to be apart of your fitness journey and we are so excited for what is in store for 2018. Reflect on how far you have come this year, and be proud of your accomplishments no matter how big or small. When you get some extra time, write down a few goals that you’d like to work towards this year. A SMART goal is a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time based.  Pick one or two goals, and make a plan! Here is a great template to use: SMART GOAL SHEET  If you’d like more direction, accountability or help creating a game plan please don’t hesitate to contact me and we can grab a coffee or a drink and I’ll help you personally set up a plan to smash your 2018 goals! My email is jocelyn@pdxtrength.

Also big thanks to everyone that donated a toy for our toy drive! It was pretty cool to drop off 50 toys for kids in need. We hope you had a great holiday season and are ready to get back in the gym and start working on your 2018 goals.

Snatch Clinic

Do you wish you had more time than we can spend in class to work out your snatching kinks? On Sunday, January 28th, we’re offering you the opportunity to one and a half glorious hours working on your snatch confidence with Coach Jen Javier and fellow members of PDXstrength!We’ll break down your snatch into its component parts, drill the basics, and build it back up better, faster, and stronger! You’ll leave with improved technique, and a new appreciation for the complex beauty of the snatch. All of this can be yours for just $18.00

This mini snatch clinic will give you an opportunity to learn (or relearn) pointers that will help you throw up some serious weight with beautiful form. Sign up on mindbody. Space is limited to 12 participants.  Date: 1/28   Time: 9:30 am – 11 am  Cost $18  Sign up here: Snatch Clinic


Sunday Pop Up 5 pm bootcamps are a great way to wrap up your weekend on a positive note.  Our bootcamp classes are for all levels, so why not bring a friend? Join us this month on Sunday, January 7, 14 and 28th at 5 pm. Sign up for classes here:Sunday Bootcamp


Hey Strength Tribe! The weekend of January 6/7 is bring a friend weekend! Bring a friend to any of our bootcamps, group strength and conditioning (If they already have experience) or yoga for free! Tell them it’s a late Christmas present!

PDX 101 

If you want to get started at PDXstrength our  PDX101 foundation series are the way to go!   Don’t miss your chance to enroll before these series  fill up in January!  We have morning and evening sessions available. PDX101 is our foundation series that will meet you at your current fitness level and get you prepared for our Group Strength and Conditioning classes. Cost is $230 for 16  hours of intro classes, weekly emails from your coaches, and free access to open gym, kettle bell classes, yoga, run club,  and bootcamp classes for the duration of 101!

Get started and sign up today with this link:  PDX 101 

Don’t wish a year from now, you started today! Need more convincing on why our 101 series is crucial to the start of your fitness journey? Check out this blog entry:  Why Should I take PDX101?


Competitor Program

We are proud to offer competitor programming for athletes that are interested in maximizing their fitness at PDXstrength. If you want more than just an hour long class, if you are interested in fitness competitions, or want guidance to improve skills and strength necessary to be pushed to your full potential, our competitive program is your answer. Our PDXstrength athletes will have the option to upgrade their membership and have exclusive access to our thoughtfully designed  Competitor Program. The cost  is $25 per month. It’s important that all of our athletes at PDXstrength have the option for growth, and we want to give you the tools to take your fitness to the next level.

You can jump into competitor training at anytime. Cost is only $25 per month.  To sign up for our competitive programming please click this link,

 Competitive Programming


Break Through for Beginners

This workshop series is  geared towards  athletes of all ages, shapes and sizes, new to exercise or that have taken a  break from a regular physical exercise routine. Nutrition and healthy habits will be a huge component of this workshop series.

Workshop includes:

Six  one hour and fifteen minute sessions, with a 20-30 min nutrition talk in each class, followed by a 45 minute fitness class.  These classes will teach you how to perform fundamental exercises safely, to create a strong foundation for your fitness journey in a fun, supportive and positive atmosphere. Each class in our breakthrough series will cover a crucial topic on nutrition, healthy habits and nutrition.  This workshop also includes weekly workouts to do at home or in the gym for 6 weeks, as well as weekly nutrition, sleep and lifestyle challenges for 6 weeks.

Cost is  only $219 for 6 weeks

Bonus: Athletes will have free access to our Yoga and Bootcamp classes while taking the Breakthrough Course.  Classes will be held Saturday mornings at 11 am. First class is February 3. For more information and to sign  up please click here: Breakthrough

2018 Lurong Living Challenge

Ok Strength Tribe! We are doing the 2018 Lurong Living Resolution Challenge! The challenge starts January 15 and ends February 18. We will do the workouts on Thursdays but you can do them anytime of the week if that does not work with your schedule. We have done this challenge for the past 3 years and our members have had great success!

If you are looking to make some serious improvements to your diet and fitness so you can achieve your goals, this is your answer. We will be forming a team to work together and even compete against boxes across the country. It combines nutrition and weekly WODs. Everyone can contribute, so we want everyone to make the commitment now. Whether your goal is to lose weight and look amazing in your swimsuit, or you are looking for serious performance gains, this Challenge is for you.

It comes with weekly meal plans, recipe books, and tons of online support. Bottom line, we want everyone to get involved and do it together. You can compete for the team and as an individual at the same time, so there is something for everyone. It will be an experience you won’t forget!

Sign up here!


Who wants to go shopping at the Nike Employee Store?
We have Nike Passes to the Employee Store 1/13-1/21. If you want a pass for 50% off nike products, please EMAIL me at: and I’ll put you on the list! Just need names by 1/11


January Naked Lady Brunch

Start collecting your unwanted clothes, shoes and accessories for our annual PDXstrength Naked Lady Brunch! ( Guys are totally welcome!) We are planning on having the brunch and clothes swap Sunday, January 28th at noon. We will donate leftover clothing to charity! Feel free to bring food or drink to share, but don’t feel any pressure!


Congrats to Evan Simmons our January member of the month!

Evan is always  supportive and positive in class and has made some truly amazing progress at PDXstrength!  Evan is always laughing and smiling in class and works hard no matter what the workout is.  He’s one of the friendliest guys I’ve ever met, and we are truly lucky to have such a radical dude at the gym! Evan is expecting a son this month as well! We can’t wait to meet him!





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Body Image

Our guest post tonight comes from our Weightlifting and Group Strength & Conditioning coach Jen Javier.

I’ve been thinking a lot about body image lately and after years (read: pretty much all my life) of torture and loathing and shame and self hatred I have finally, seriously, legitimately arrived at peace with my body. But this doesn’t mean that I don’t pursue body transformation, it just means that, for once, I’m doing it for the right reason: because I love my body, not because I hate it!
I track my macros because it’s fun for me and to make sure I’m maintaining my muscle mass and to keep my energy up. I eat salads because I want to and not because I have to. I eat pizza and candy and pork rinds and low fat multigrain English muffins because I enjoy them and they make me happy. I work out and lift and (sometimes) run because it’s fun for me and I enjoy seeing what my body can do. I do snatches and clean & jerks because they are magic to me and I squat to be strong and I do bicep curls for the burn and I do booty exercises because YES I want my butt to be bigger!
I put makeup on my face because it’s a fun new skill I’m learning and it’s become my morning meditation but I feel just as gorgeous without it. I wear booty shorts and crop tops to the gym because I love my thick thighs and I don’t care if anyone sees my #powerbelly.
It’s okay to be exactly who you are but still strive to be better but do it because you love yourself and I promise you the results will be so much sweeter!
So for you bad ass babes (and dudes) out there who are still struggling with this stuff, be patient. Do the work. On yourself. It’s a long, windy road. Some days will feel amazing and some will feel just terrible. But revel in how glorious and magnificent and amazing you are because you ARE. You are worthy and you deserve to love and care for yourself and you TOTALLY deserve to feel like a babe!
TL;DR- I do what I want because it makes me feel like a babe and you should too.

For more inspiration and empowerment you can find Jen on Instagram @ladylifterlife

To contact Jen about coaching and personal training:

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Holiday Hours

We will still be collecting toys for our toy drive until Friday, December 15th. Please feel free to bring an unwrapped toy to donate under our PDXstrength holiday tree!

Thanks to everyone that attended our 5th annual holiday pub crawl! As usual there was tons of laughs, great food, amazing company, jello shots, ping pong, karaoke and even more fun hahaha! Our crew makes my heart smile so much!

Holiday Hours:

Sunday Christmas eve 12/24  Open gym 9:30 am – 12:30 pm,   No Yoga

Monday Christmas day 12/25 Gym will be closed

Sunday New Years Eve 12/31  Open gym 9:30 am- 12:30 pm,  No Yoga

Monday New Years Day 1/1   8:30 am Bootcamp and 9:30 am Group Strength & Conditioning



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December Updates

Thanks to everyone that came to celebrate Thanksgiving with us! We are so grateful to everyone that took the time out of their holiday to get in a sweat session before their big turkey feast. We are incredibly lucky to have such an amazing community at PDXstrength and we are extremely thankful to be able to celebrate our health and fitness with such an awesome crew! We hope you continue to make the time to train hard this holiday season. With the stress of the holidays, nothing beats a good workout with your fitness family!

PDXstrength Toy Drive and 5th Annual Santa Pub Crawl

Join us Friday December 8th at 6:30 pm ( right after class at 5:30 pm) for our 5th Annual Santa Hike. Bring an unwrapped toy and dress up in your crazy holiday attire! We will take downtown St. Johns by storm and share some laughs at our annual bar crawl! Remember strength tribe, no fireball shots or rollerblading! hahaha

Holiday Hours at PDXstrength

We will be closed Monday, December 25

We will offer two classes on Monday, January 1, New Years Day.

8:30 am Bootcamp and 9:30 am Group Strength and Conditioning

December Track Days

Track Days this month are Saturday, December 9, Saturday, December 16, and Saturday, December 30. Meet us at the Roosevelt High School Track at 10 am for some fun speed work, drills and sprints with the very special coach, Ken Hess! Nothing beats sprints when it comes to efficiency and fat blasting! If the weather is absolutely noncooperative, please check our Facebook, Instagram or Twitter posts for updates on schedule changes. Want more convincing on the benefits of sprint training? This article sums it up quite nicely and if it doesn’t get your off the couch on the track, I don’t know what else will! Eight Reasons Everyone Should do Sprints

Sunday Pop Up 5 pm Bootcamps

Sunday Pop Up 5 pm bootcamps are a great way to wrap up your weekend on a positive note. This month’s theme will be focused on preparing and practicing what it takes to pass the fireman physical agilities test. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a candidate firefighter to participate! We all could improve our physical capabilities to be able to tackle whatever life throws our way! Plus it is always fun to mix things up and take on new challenges! Our bootcamp classes are for all levels! We all could Join us this month on Sunday, December 3 and Sunday, December 17 at 5 pm, and blow some of that holiday stress off!

Olympic Weightlifting

Our next Weightlifting series will be offered the first week of January. Improve your power, speed, strength, and flexibility with Olympic-style weightlifting! If you just graduated from 101 or want to step up your weightlifting game, this series is by far the most popular at PDXstrength! You don’t have to be a member to participate, we welcome beginners and experienced weightlifters to join the fun. This 6 week course will cover the Olympic lifts, the snatch and the clean & jerk, as well as assistance exercises for Olympic Weightlifting. Cost is $70 for 6 classes. Classes are held on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm. Sign up for weightlifting here:
Olympic Weightlifting

PDX 101

If you want to get started at PDXstrength our PDX101 foundation series are the way to go! Don’t miss your chance to enroll before these series fill up in January! We have morning and evening sessions available. PDX101 is our foundation series that will meet you at your current fitness level and get you prepared for our Group Strength and Conditioning classes. Cost is $230 for 16 hours of intro classes, weekly emails from your coaches, and free access to open gym, kettle bell classes, yoga, run club, and bootcamp classes for the duration of 101!

Get started and sign up today with this link: PDX 101


Competitor Program

We are proud to offer competitor programming for athletes that are interested in maximizing their fitness at PDXstrength. If you want more than just an hour long class, if you are interested in fitness competitions, or want guidance to improve skills and strength necessary to be pushed to your full potential, our competitive program is your answer. Our PDXstrength athletes will have the option to upgrade their membership and have exclusive access to our thoughtfully designed Competitor Program. The cost is $25 per month. It’s important that all of our athletes at PDXstrength have the option for growth, and we want to give you the tools to take your fitness to the next level.

You can jump into competitor training at anytime. Cost is only $25 per month. To sign up for our competitive programming please click this link,  Competitive Programming

2018 Lurong Living Challenge

Ok Strength Tribe! We are doing the 2018 Lurong Living Resolution Challenge! The challenge starts January 15 and ends February 18. We will do the workouts on Thursdays but you can do them anytime of the week if that does not work with your schedule. We have done this challenge for the past 3 years and our members have had great success!

If you are looking to make some serious improvements to your diet and fitness so you can achieve your goals, this is your answer. We will be forming a team to work together and even compete against boxes across the country. It combines nutrition and weekly WODs. Everyone can contribute, so we want everyone to make the commitment now. Whether your goal is to lose weight and look amazing in your swimsuit, or you are looking for serious performance gains, this Challenge is for you.

It comes with weekly meal plans, recipe books, and tons of online support. Bottom line, we want everyone to get involved and do it together. You can compete for the team and as an individual at the same time, so there is something for everyone. It will be an experience you won’t forget  Sign up here!

Congrats to our PDXstrength December Member of the Month Abby Williams!

Congrats to Abby Williams our December member of the month! Abby is a hardworking, cheerful and a talented athlete. She has been putting in extra work with our weightlifting coach Jen, and it sure is paying off. It’s been so inspiring to see how strong Abby has become over the year! Give Abby a big high five next time you see her in class, and if you every need a tattoo, well don’t look any further!

January Naked Lady Brunch

Start collecting your unwanted clothes, shoes and accessories for our annual PDXstrength Naked Lady Brunch! ( Guys are totally welcome!) We are planning on having the brunch in January. We will donate leftover clothing to charity! Date to be announced.

Are you on Facebook?

Please make sure to join our private PDXstrength group! It’s a supportive place that you can share events, whine about workouts, stay on top of gym updates, get tips from our coaches and fellow athletes and more. Here is the group link: PDXstrength Barbell Brigade

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