New Clinic Series: Get your first strict pull up

Have you been trying to get the illusive  strict pull up but just haven’t gotten there yet?
Well good news! We have something special for you.

We are offering a quadruple session workshop that will target each individuals existing weaknesses.

When you register for this workshop you will get:
-a personalized program with a weekly homework workout
-4, 1 hour workshops that will include tips and exercises to guide you to achieve your first pull up.
-one step closer to conquering your goal!

First Class is on Sunday, January 5th at 11:30 am

Cost is $60 for 4, one hour classes and 4 homework assignments for a total of 8 personalized workouts.

Sign up here: Pull Up Clinic

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November Community Fundraiser

Our next fundraiser workout will be for a charity that our member Nicole Mascorro volunteers for, Best Buddies. Nicole is in a competition with 10 other people, trying to raise money before the organization’s annual Gala. Best Buddies International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Join us on Sunday, November 10 at 10:30 am for an all levels workout for the whole community and lets get Nicole to the top of the leaderboard! Any Donation accepted or just come to show your support!

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Fight Cancer: Battle Series

In the past we have participated in the Everyday Warrior battle series as a gym, and programmed the workouts during Group Strength and Conditioning classes. This year the format has changed, and it will be too complicated to program into our GS&C classes because the battle series is now a team format. Trying to schedule a day/time to meet with your partner during the week might already be a challenge, but also trying to make it to the day we program it as a gym is going to make it rough with logistics… So we are encouraging you to find a partner, register and do the workouts anytime during that week (best option is open gym but we know that might not work for everyone). That way, the athletes that want to continue the tradition and challenge themselves in a competition type workout can participate. Here is the link for information and registration: 2019 Battle Series Registration IF you don’t know what the Everyday Warrior charity is all about, please check out this link: Every Day Warrior

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New Class Alert! Skateboard & Snowboard Conditioning

For the cold and rainy months we are offering a seasonal strength/balance/power/mobility class specifically for skateboarders and snowboarders. The focus of the class is to  increase the longevity you have on your board, rehab from injuries,  improve your strength and stamina and help prevent injuries. This class is  lowkey, fun and educational so that you can take care of your body and skate forever ????.

You won’t be surrounded by jocks and it will be open to any level. Don’t worry if you feel like you aren’t in shape to workout, it will be approachable no matter what your background is.

Our intentions are to share knowledge about strength and conditioning with the skateboarding community and provide classes that everyone can afford. We use a sliding scale to make strength and conditioning accessible  to more skateboarders, regardless of income.

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September Schedule Updates

9/7 Skyline Tavern Hike meet at PDXstrength at 4pm

9/8 New Sunday Open Gym hours, 8am-9:30 am and 10:30 am- noon

9/10 Our head coach Nigel returns

9/10 Morning and Evening 101 sessions begin

9/22 Sunday 10 am Community Fundraiser for Living Yoga

9/22 Sunday Yoga and Open gym canceled for fundraiser

9/23 Coach Christie returns

9/24 Tuesdays 9:30 am class will be bootcamp format

9/24 New Tuesday 3:30 pm GS&C

9/26 Thursdays 9:30 am class will be GS&C format

9/26 New Thursday 3:30 pm GS&C

9/29 New Sunday class 10:30 am Butt and Gut

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