Monday Home Workout
Sunday Home Workout
Hey campers! Just in case you can’t make it to the gym I wanted to give you some options you can do at home. Let me know if you have any questions or need any substitutions. Modified versions are also provided. This 20 minute body weight workout requires no equipment. You will perform each AMRAP for six minutes and rest one minute before tackling the next one. Video posted below
??? Thank you for your support ???
Warmup 5 minutes
Three 6 minute AMRAPs
8 reps push-up to down dog
8 reverse plank leg lifts
pushups on knees
Mini dip leg lifts
Rest one minute
8 shoulder taps feet on the wall
16 lunge jumps
feet on floor
Rest one minute
8 side plank legs lifts each side
16 forearm plank jumps
bottom leg bent
forearm plank step out
COVID-19 Updates
Dear PDXstrength clients,
Your health and wellbeing has been at the forefront of our PDXstrength mission since before day one. We are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness and sanitation. With the news of the COVID-19 spreading more each day I wanted to take a moment to share with you the precautions that we take every day to keep the studio clean and our community healthy.
Stay tuned for home workout videos on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings this week on our Facebook, Website, and Instagram. If I can find the free time, I’ll try to squeeze in Monday, Wednesday and Friday too. Before you jump the gun, please remember If everyone suspends their membership we will have to close PDXstrength. This is my fault for not locking clients into contracts. I feel bad for not having the foresight…… I totally understand that you have to do what you got to do, thanks again for everyones support.
We also might have a slightly limited class schedule. Our Mindbody schedule will be up to date, so please make sure you sign up prior to class to make sure that the class is scheduled. We will also be capping the classes, so that everyone has at least 3 foot recommended distance from other athletes. We will be posting any important updates or changes on our Instagram, Website and Facebook as things progress…
After every class, equipment and floors are being cleaned. During the quiet hours when class is not in session, our studio is cleaned daily with special attention to detail including but not limited to door handles, ipads, faucets, and light switches.
While we cannot control every germ that enters our lives there are a few precautions that we can all take to keep our community as health as possible:
If you have a fever or are sick, please stay home. This has not been a problem in the past and we do not foresee it being a problem as few like to practice physical activity when feeling under the weather.
Please wash your hands and wipe down equipment after each use. We provide cleanser and supplies by the coaches corner.
Eat healthy, workout and get rest. This has a profound reduction of stress and the perfect antidote to preventing illness.
It is an absolute honor to serve you and we take that honor seriously at PDXSTRENGTH.
Please reach out with any and all questions or concerns.
Love + Gratitude,
Jocelyn Streng
Founder, PDXstrength
Why Kettlebell Swings?
Why are Kettlebell swings one of our favorite movements?
1. Full-Body Muscle Recruitment????
The kettlebell swing is an amazing full-body exercise. The power required to perform the movement requires pretty much your whole body.The glutes, hamstrings, lats, abdominals and core, shoulders, and back are all recruited during the swing, making it one of the most comprehensive exercises you can do.The kettlebell swing is one of the most powerful exercises to attack the posterior chain.
2. Aerobic and Anaerobic Workout????
When it comes to kettlebell swings, you truly have a package deal. On top of building lean mass, the explosive nature of the swing also gets your heart rate up into the aerobic zone and gives you an amazing anaerobic workout due to the simultaneous muscle engagement. This makes kettlebell swings one of the best choices for high-intensity interval training workouts, especially if you’re looking to burn fat.
3. Increases Muscular Endurance????
On top of building strength and aerobic capacity, kettlebell swings are also great for building muscular endurance.This is especially true when using a slightly lower weight with higher reps, as it lengthens the amount of time muscles are engaged.
4. Improves Low Back Pain????
When performed correctly, kettlebell swings have the ability to strengthen the stabilizer muscles that wrap around our core and spine like a corset.These muscle protect our spine from unnatural movement and injury, so strengthening them serves to keep the spine in its proper alignment. This can help you avoid low back pain by adding a muscular “cushion” of sorts, around your spine.
5. Works Lots of Muscles at Once????
Functional training involves several muscle groups at once, and most of the time, these movement mimic the natural movements of the human body. They’re the opposite of using weight machines, which tend to stabilize weight for us, instead of letting our bodies do the work.Functional exercises like kettlebell swings improve coordination, mobility, balance, and motor skills, as they require your full mental and physical attention.
6. Increases EPOC????
EPOC, or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, refers to the amount of calories our body burns after a workout, rather than during. HIIT and other high-intensity workouts increase EPOC due to the effort the body has to make in order to restore oxygen levels to normal and repair our muscles, all of which lead to a higher calorie burn even after we’ve left the gym.The intensity of kettlebell swings is exactly the type of intensity needed to stimulate a higher EPOC value (or, an increase in metabolism).
Want to learn how to do a proper kettlebell swing? Check out one of our Kettlebell Club Classes!
Herd u Needed a Home! Community Fundraiser Workout
Our Next Community Fundraiser Workout will be for Herd you needed a Home!
Herd you needed a home is a nonprofit that our member, Sierra Smith volunteers and fosters dogs for. The workout will be for all levels on Sunday, February 9 at 10:30 am. Our small but mighty gym can raise a few bucks for charities doing amazing things for our community, while having some fun getting a great workout. Please feel free to invite anyone you’d like! Have a nonprofit you’d like to nominate for our next fundraiser? Please contact us with your suggestions. We love supporting programs that our members are directly involved with.