Tabata Home Workout

It’s the weekend! This was the workout programmed for Friday and it’s a perfect one to share with everyone staying at home. For more home workouts and blog advice check out the link in our bio where we will continue to provide as much support as possible. Also, I suggest the sooner the better checking out equipment if you are a member. Just come by while we are providing classes, check the mind body schedule for current classes. xoxoxo
Push Press Timer:

Tabata – 4 minutes each exercise –

20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest for 8 rounds


-Squat hold at parallel

-Plank hold

-Hollow hold or tuck (Pick a variation you cansustain)

-Arched body hold



You’ll perform all 8 rounds of squat holds beforemoving onto the plank and so on.

If plank is easy for you then attempt planche
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Captain’s Log #2 – A Short Case for Odd Objects


Our routines and workouts are no doubt looking a little different these days – different times, different location, different people, different objects. We might feel a little funky doing deadlifts with a backpack or ground to overheads with a bag of dog food or carries with a case of water, but those objects are just as viable for weightlifting as any. No, they aren’t as sexy as a barbell and yes, your neighbor thinks you’re a little weirder than before, BUT they also happen be phenomenal tools for building foundational strength. Why? Well, I’m glad you asked… * cues Magic School Bus Theme Song * 

Let me start by saying that barbells (and dumbbells) are great strength and conditioning tools. With that said, we need to understand that they have been developed to easily apply progressive overloading (adding weight to the same movement overtime) and for competitive purposes (using the same implement across individuals to compare strength). 

Their relatively small diameter allows you to hold it fairly close to your center of mass and the loading remains balanced over an easy-to-find center point. This allows you to apply more force more efficiently (and safely), which in turn allows you to lift more weight than most other tools. 

Because of the barbells-allow-me-to-lift-the-most-weight-therefore-they-are-the-best-tool mentality, we get a little too caught up in the sexiness of a big back squat. Total weight is only a part of the strength and equation. What we really care are things like torque (twisting or rotational force) and moment arms (the distance from an axis point to the line of force acting on that axis – think hips to the center point of a barbell in a deadlift) because 100 pounds to you, is different than 100 pounds to me. 

Enter that odd object. Because odd objects are just that (odd), they change the strength and conditioning equation drastically by creating different balance points and moment arms that are farther away from our center, which means more force can be applied with less weight. Further, since the odd object is almost always away from our center, it forces us to use stabilizing muscles in the core than a barbell does; meaning that more effort can be applied through an entire range of motion (this makes them GREAT accessory work to build that big sexy back squat). They can also be frustrating because there is a fine line between using a weight that you feel in control of and a weight that is in control of you. It’s hard to find the sweet spot because objects (generally) cannot be loaded. 

All of this to say that while we all have recently been rethinking our daily routines, we can also rethink our workouts and loaded movement (AND be just as effective). 

So, yes, you can use that bag of dog food or that coffee table as a weighted implement. And yes, you will look ridiculous. But at the end of the day, we’ll still be bringing sexy back when we get back to normalcy. 


Coach Dylan

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Friday Home Workout


It’s a beautiful day to get outside. Here’s a workout from Coach Courtney. Let us know how it went and tag us so we can see everyone’s workout! xoxo
20:00 amrap
10 walk to plank + push up
200-400m run
*if no running heavy object carry

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Coach Courtney’s Home Workout for Wednesday

Coach Courtney brings to you our Thursday home workout. Our goal is to provide a workout for you guys Monday-Friday so you can continue to work on your fitness. As of now we are still open, check mind body for class schedule and we streaming our bootcamps for you to join us virtually! Thanks so much Courtney and Steve for taking the time to do this for our community!

5 rounds
10 burpees
20 sit ups
40 air squats

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Notes from Coach Dylan

Hello PDX Strength Tribe,

With all of the changes happening around our community, we’ve been thinking about different ways to engage with you – enter mini-blog numero uno.

Since we are all experiencing changes, a good topic to start with is variance. We spend much of our time in class (and in our recent videos) finding modifications, but rarely does this mean making a movement more challenging. For those that want to try harder variations* in the safety of your own home, here are a few things to consider:

Prioritize Eccentricity
The eccentric phase of a movement is the lengthening or stretching of the muscle group. We can often think about this as the lowering part of a movement or moving towards the ground. Prioritization here intensifies a movement by involving more muscle fibers into the total range of motion. We have a tendency to forget about this when we move faster or start to get tired because we can get a little assistance from our friend gravity, or if you’re a flat earther from the ground’s magnetism. To incorporate – flex or actively engage the priority muscle groups during the movements OR add tempo/timing to your movements. For example, in an air squat think about pulling yourself down rather than dropping OR add a :02 (or more) lowering phase.

Be Dynamic
If tempo isn’t your thing, we can also intensify (some of) the concentric – or shortening – phases by making them dynamic. This essentially allows us to work in a larger range of motion because we are prioritizing full extension, often propelling us off the ground (Take that, Earth Magnet!). Because of this, we also add a little stabilization or catch effort into each movement. To incorporate – think about jumping any time you are on two hands or two feet, and potentially shifting hand/foot position on the catch. For example, in a dynamic push-up we could add a clap, move our hands out/in, jump our hands to an elevated target, etc.

Move Around
Saving all the science-y stuff here (except for perhaps another Flat Earth reference). Our bodies move in all directions, therefore we should move in all directions – forward/backward (run/drag), up/down (burpee, any one?), side to side (Cossack squat), unilaterally (single arm/leg), and rotationally (… like the Earth.). We are often good at the forward/backward and up/down parts because they are predominately how we move in our lives and in the gym. To incorporate – combine planes of movement together. For example, instead of a traditional lunge substitute the Cossack squat or instead of a regular plank do a side plank (don’t forget the other side). Some of you might even come up with a totally new movement altogether.

I encourage all of you to take on the WODs that have been posted, modify them as you see fit, try out something new, play a little bit more in in your workouts, ask questions on Instagram and Facebook, and embrace and explore new variance.

*A coaching note here. Everybody can work towards a more challenging modification. When we make a movement more challenging we also need to modify the time under tension. As the intensity increases our sets/reps/seconds decrease.

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