Bonus Booty Workout

Here’s a bonus weekend workout. My favorite way to target the glutes, is to use a booty band. Don’t have one? No worries they are pretty cheap to order on Amazon, or use the link in the bio for how to make your own DIY booty band.
Slide the band right above your knees.
Do 3-6 rounds of the following, rest 30 seconds to 1 minute between exercises:
1 minute banded hip thrusts on bench. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement and push your knees out.
1 minute side step shuffle. Do 10 side steps right and 10 side steps left. Get in an athletic position and challenge yourself with wide steps
1 minute Back and out steps. Think 45 degree angle as you drive your leg back and to the side. Alternate 5 steps right and 5 steps left for the entire minute.
Enjoy the burn! xoxo
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How do I know if I’m doing enough

How Do I Know if I’m doing Enough?

Hi PDX Strength Tribe, 

Coaches have been reaching out to our members for the past few weeks now. We are introducing a variety of things in our virtual programming, but some folks are asking for different ways to use the equipment they’ve checked out from the gym. Probably the most common question we are getting is some variation of “how do I know if I’m doing enough?” 

Let me first start off with a quote from Dr. Brene Brown – “You are enough.” Every coach at PDX Strength believes that you, as you exist today, are enough. Every member of the PDX Strength Community deserves our respect, attention, and love without having to earn it through the bastardized norms of fitness culture. 

Now. Let me answer the question on the surface level with the 350 words or so I have left in the blog and understanding that we all have different equipment and goals. 

Before we begin to add to or design our own workouts, we should first assess how stressed our physical- AND mental-selves are (I know. You’re all thinking, “Seriously?! Just get to the sets and reps!” – 300 words left.) But, taking account of your current stress level informs how much additional stress you have the ability to introduce. It will also inform how much rest we need between workouts. We need to be careful here. Our lives and routines have changed, so our recovery needs have as well.

Second, we look at how much intensity we want to apply, or what energy system we want to use. (“JUST TELL ME WHAT TO DO!” – 200 words left.) In general, there are three energy systems – Phosphagen (fast/short/high impact – less than 1:00 – think sprints, max effort, or strength/rep/skill work), Glocolytic (hard but sustainable/medium impact – between 1:00 and 20:00 – think kettlebell swings, wall balls, or burpees), and Oxadative/Aerobic (long effort/generally less impact on the body – more than 20:00 – think longer runs or rowing). 

Then we take into account the general movement patterns in strength and conditioning – divide the body in half (upper or lower) and consider we move towards the body or away from the body (push/press/squat or pull/curl/hinge) – 100 words left still no sets and reps prescription. 

Lastly, know that energy systems and movement patterns need about 24-36 hours of rest to fully recover (the greater the impact to your body, the more rest you need). No, this doesn’t mean that we can’t workout two days in a row, it means we need to rotate the energy systems and movement patterns we use. But depending on your goals you can add in a training bias. If you want to be a better runner, do more aerobic work. If you want to be stronger, do more strength work (5x5s). 

Please note that this isn’t about finding the systems’ (and your) breaking point. It’s about finding a sustainable level of effort over time. 

Now you have yourself the greatest little puzzle since that 5000-piecer you finished this week. 

More questions? Ask your coach. 

0 words left. 

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Friday Home Workout

3 rounds:
30s jog in place
30s mtn climbers
30s high knees
30s butt kicks
30s jumping jacks
Then you will do 4 rounds of the following movements for a 32 minute workout.
Min 1: 1.5 squats
Min 2: jump squats
Min 3: Pike or box HSPU
Min 4: Pushups with twist
Min 5: sprinter lunge
Min 6: sprinter lunge with jump
Min 7: Supine elbow pull
Min 8: Sliding lat pull down
repeat 4 times
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Thursday Home Workout

Ok here is Thursday’s home workout. Grab a dumbbell, or something you can use for a weight…. anything will work, be creative.

Do 6 rounds:

1 min Db Plank Drags- go nice and slow and keep hips and shoulders square

1 min Deck Squats – you can do squats instead. I am using a light wt for assistance.

1 min DB toe taps

rest one minute

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Wednesday Home Workout

Coach Christie has a challenging workout for everyone to do at home. Use anything you have around the house for weights- get creative! Let us know how it went!


??4 rounds??
10 single leg deadlifts
10 diamond jacks** (or reg stance to scale)
10 around the world lunges forward
10 around the world lunges backward
300m run with something heavy!
Rest 90s in between rounds **scale option is regular width push-up jacks, or scale to regular pushups or pushups on knees

For the lunges and the run, the weight can be anything. Scale run to farmer carry 150m or 90s jump rope

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