Tuesday Home Workout

Six days until we start our outdoor classes! I’ve had a few questions and yes we will still meet at the gym, get checked in and then head over to the park! If it’s raining we will go under the bridge. Remember if you don’t have an exercise mat, purchase one is so you are ready to sweat with us!

Here’s your Tuesday home workout. Thanks Steve and Courtney for once again taking the time to bring these workouts to our community. See you guys soon! ????

Rest 5:00
Two short pieces today, enjoy! Can use barbell or 1-2 kettlebell or dumbbell, weight should be moderate I’d pick a weight that allows you to do the thrusters unbroken through the first interval and push the burpees!
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Monday Home Workout

Thanks Christie for our Monday home workout. We have quite the collection now of workouts you can reference on our website. Just click the link in our bio.

This one is all about pushing the pace on the runs and keeping moving. 1 extra round for good measure ?
6 rounds
400m run
15 broomstick OHS
*no running edition: sub 90s high knees for each run
We made it another month paying our incredible coaches during these crazy times. Thanks for all the donations and support. We appreciate it so much. All donations go directly to our coaching fund. PayPal jocelyn@pdxstrength.com ????
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Friday Home Workout

Thanks Courtney and Steve for programming this workout for our strength tribe. We had a few requests from some of you for a barbell workout, so here you go! ??????

3:00 AMRAP: Max Power Clean and Jerk
Rest 3:00
2:00 AMRAP: Max Power Snatch
Rest 3:00
1:00 AMRAP: Max Thrusters
These are short intervals, so  give them all you got! You can use barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell or whatever you got for these!
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Thursday Home Workout

I’m back with a full body workout for when you are feeling like getting in some strength work. The workout is broken up, with an upper body circuit followed by a lower body segment. Let me know how it goes if you give it shot. Have a wonderful day. Remember movement is medicine. xoxo
Upper Body:
3 rounds
One minute work, 30 sec rest between movements
 One Minute: 2 pushups, 2 opposite knee to elbow crunches, 2 knee taps, 2 shoulder taps
One Minute: 2 Mini dips with 2 crab kicks
One Minute: Bodyweight Rows ( you can use dumbbells and substitute a db row)
Lower Body
3 rounds
One Minute work, 30 sec rest between movements
One Minute: Wall Sit with db raise ( you can use anything – even a can of soup)
One Minute: Squat Jumps  ( you can do goblet squats or air squats )
Natural Leg extensions  Keep your ribs locked down, and spin neutral. Don’t arch your back and use your quads to pull you back up to starting position. Stay within a range you can move without your back arching.
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Wednesday Home Workout

Thanks Christie for programming our Wednesday home workout! We hope your day is awesome! The last two videos are the scaled versions provided below. ????

4 rounds for max reps
1:00 – Hang squat clean
1:00 – Renegade rows (or bw version)
1:00 – Thrusters
1:00 – Hollow Hold*
Rest :30 between sets.
*Scale to tuck hold
Use whatever you got for the hang squat cleans and thrusters 🙂https://www.instagram.com/p/CA-2Kp0huzC/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

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