Blog 45 – Getting What you Want for the Holidays

Blog 45 – Getting What you Want for the Holidays


Well, we’re in the middle of the biggest holiday season of the year. 2020 is winding down (though as has been repeated millions of times this year, what is time even?). And we’ve all been conditioned throughout our lives to be a good person (or generally decent even) and wish as hard as you possibly can in order to get what you want. (For those folks that identify as on the naughty list, or even aspiring to be there, one could argue that in your universe or schema or relativity that what may be the Naughty List to me may actually be the Nice List to you effectively making you eligible for wishes in your own little world.)


Certainly prior to this year, checking the “be a good person” box was as routine as receiving the same off-the-wall gift from your Aunt every year. Or, to use a more apropos simile, like getting out of bed and going to work. All’s to say there is somewhat of regularity and routine in checking that box and making those wishes. Do they come true? Sometimes, most often not… YET! But that doesn’t prevent us from making our way through the year in hopes that THIS is the year that we finally get whatever toy, wish, gift, experience, et al. that we’ve been waiting for for whoever knows how long. 


With all that said, and you trying to figure out what the fuck I’m talking about all over again, it’s probably time to get to the point. The point being, that we often treat our health and fitness a lot like the be a good person -> wish really hard -> be grateful for what you get scenario. In the gym context we show up routinely, go through whatever workout is programmed, and end up with results that we are often grateful for, but maybe feel just a bit awkward or like our hopes and dreams were just lost in translation between you thinking them in to existence and the universe translating them back to your coaches (a la the game Telephone). Then something funny always seems to happen this time of year (I’ll save my fitness industry marketing rants here). We seem to get disappointed when the holiday season doesn’t bring us what we want, and we use the start of a new year as some sort of refresh. 


But I’m here to tell you that there’s a much easier way to get what you want. That’s to actually ask for what you want out of this whole fitness thing. I’ve mentioned before that Nigel’s total program is not designed for our individual goals. It’s simply a foundation (a very solid one) to build off of. All of our coaches are equipped and ready to help you individually, but we can only do that if you’re willing to ask for what you want. 


In what seems like a less than ideal scenario with the shut down and our work getting more general due to limits in space and equipment, all of the coaches are ready (and I would bet all are also excited) for the opportunity to talk you through some of the things on your wishlist. 




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