Got 5 minutes?? That’s all you need to raise some money for a great cause, get a good workout in, and have some fun with your awesome PDXstrength tribe! I’ll bring coffee and donuts! How can you say no to that?
This “competition for a cause” was created to support early diagnosis and treatment of Autism, raise funds for the Autism Tree Project Foundation in San Diego, and most importantly, turn a global spotlight on the measured and severe impact of Autism on families and individuals around the world.
Date: Sunday September 11th come any time between 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Please sign up with this link:…
We are already signed up as a gym, so choose PDXstrength as your gym and get ready to rock!
Cost can range from $10 to $35 bucks! YOu can totally participate for free as well, just coming helps to spread awareness!
4 Power Cleans: 155 lbs. men/105 lbs. women
24 Double Unders
10 Pull-Ups
**workout can be scaled**