What we are reaching for: PDXstrength 2016

  1. A  Community that builds on all we have been and seeks out improvement continually.
  2. Keep our rates affordable and reasonable for every PDXstrength member. (Continue to give sliding scale options for those that hit hard times.)
  3. 2016 Budget helping coaches with a % of pursuing Continuing Education and Workshops.
  4. As a community, both members and coaches greeting each new PDXstrength Athlete and acting as a PDXstrength Ambassador until the new Athlete feels at home.
  5. Encourage our members and coaches to  participate in local weightlifting meets, crossfit competitions, Hood to Coast, triathlons, 5k’s, Powerlifting, Strong Man, etc  in 2016 to put their skills and strength to use outside the gym.
  6. As a staff we have a goal of delivering the  WOD on time and in a professional manner at every WOD. As a staff we take the time to cater to individuals with injuries and issues so they can participate in every WOD. As a staff we will continue to learn, grow and keep up with continuing education credits and courses.
  7. We will be adding more class times.
  8. Host fundraiser WODs  for local non profits and charities and participate in events like the Every Day Warrior to raise money for those in need.
  9. Work with Roosevelt High School helping develop their athletes and create an ongoing partnership that teaches students athletes the importance of nutrition and self care.
  10. Become a USAW weightlifting club.
  11. Host 1-2 WODS on every Holiday besides Christmas and 4th of July
  12. PDXstrength will continue to be a positive, clean, non judgmental, safe environment that athletes can consider their home away from home.
  13. Increase our membership  and continue to grow organically at a pace that is comfortable, realistic and remains a place where everyone knows everyone by their first name.
  14. Continue to track our athletes progress by making our workouts measurable and goal oriented. Put the emphasis on individual growth and not comparing athletes with each other, the only competition is with ones self.
  15. Continue to invest 3 hours per week programming top notch programs that have measurable, specific, attainable and realistic goals for our athletes. We want our athletes to train rather than just exercise for the sake of exercise.
  16. Continue to keep our class sizes capped so that every single athlete gets the coaching they deserve.


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