Goal Update- can’t let my fitness slip!

We are coming to the conclusion of March.  I continue to post my goal updates not only to keep myself accountable but to also inspire and motivate my fellow comrades at PDXstrength to not lose grasp of their aspirations.    Goals take time to accomplish and just because we haven’t fulfilled them, doesn’t mean we  stop chipping away at them.


So if you look back to my previous goal posts,   you can delve further  into the goals I  have set previously and my journey, some keep repeating themselves, but hopefully you notice, I’m not letting them out of my sites.





Successful Goals! 

Pistol Squats –  checked-  I’ve got these bitches down!

Kipping 10 toes to bar unbroken–   checked-  Toes to bar  kips  BOOM!

Crossfit  Open-   done!   Finished all 5 workout prescribed .    I would of loved to have my Olympic lifts more on dial, but I feel I did pretty good for only being a once a week cross fitter.  I also realized how much I missed the anticipation of competition and the butterflies of excitement and nervousness that come with a challenge like this.  I also came to the conclusion I need to start working out more in a group atmosphere. Owning a gym and coaching, make it tough, because I find myself having to workout on my own. 

Improve my Dead lift and Back Squat strength.  I have set PR’s in both of these lifts this month.   I’ve been taking time to really work on my form and stay consistent and I definitely do feel stronger in these lifts. I still want to continue this one FOREVER! 

Unsuccessful Goals!  ( but no for long!)

Full Complete Left and Right Splits–   Fail  🙂    Don’t have them yet, but I am closer!!   

Hand Stand  10 foot walk   – Fail  🙂  This one is fucking killing me! hahaha  I do have to say my handstands are much better and I have mastered the kipping headstand pushup and strict pushup… but walking is another story. I will get this before I die!!!

Muscle UPs–  umm lets not go there- but still on my list!

Perfect my Cleans and Snatches,   – I suppose  perfection may be an unattainable goal, but I’m not happy with my technique.  This is why I don’t coach these lifts myself. I won’t until I really feel like I have mastered them. I know this can take years, but I really am enjoying these lifts and working on them every week.  3 months ago it was honestly tough for me to do RX in my cross fit workouts,   and now I can, so hey to look it positively, I am improving, but I have a hell of a lot of work when it comes to making these bad boys look pretty. They are not sexy right now! 

New Goals to add to my list

One hand pushup right and left from toes. I can do them from my knees- but toes is going to feel pretty bad ass!

Back Squat 135  10 times  and Deadlift 225  10 times.  Yeah Yeah Yeah I’m a weakling…. I never said strength was one of my strengths! hahaha  But I want to Squat over my body weight and Dead lift one hundred pounds over my body weight 10 freaking reps in a row.

Run Hood to Coast – which I haven’t done since I was 19 years old.  I honestly won’t do more than once run a week to prepare for this, and probably pay the price after, but a lot of running doesn’t really correlate with my other goals, and my intention is to have fun and enjoy the event and not really push my pace for time.


Ok there you have it. Goal Update completed. Now give me the scoop on how your progress has been going!



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